7th ESTIDIA Conference feedback 4

Read the Participants’ feedback

Ludmilla A’Beckett <berchonok@gmail.com>, University of the Free State, South Africa

Seven wonderful things to remember about the 7th ESTIDIA conference in Vilnius, 12-14 June 2024

First, there was a broad coverage of the language used in discussions about the war in Ukraine. One could learn there about alternative accounts of the war in social media and journalist communities, the Ukrainian President’s language change, the attitude of Romanians toward the Ukrainian refugees, humorous responses of Ukrainians to the war, and stances of different discourse communities toward these jokes.

The information war contributes a lot to the hostility and duration of the conflict. It was an excellent venue for scholarly discussions of discourses of the war which became the main crises in Europe of the 21st century.

Second, if you were low on enthusiasm about the prospects of your research or had methodological doubts, you could simply listen or talk to ESTIDIA President Cornelia Ilie. You were likely to receive a generous charge of energy and optimism. It was like a counselling session for scholars in desperation and consumed by agnosticism.

Third, the plenary sessions also gave everyone ideas that could change the outlook and provide a sense of a new direction. The plenary speakers scrutinized different factors of modern communication such as reverse correlations between diversity and tolerance, and speakers’ perspectives that were instantiated in their choice of metaphor scenarios. You could also learn about analytical tools that unearthed the polyphony of modern discourse.

Fourth, the depth and breadth of the papers presented at the conference were thought-provoking and stimulating.  You could learn that the migration of African youth to Europe was prompted not always by economic factors but also by the internal pressure within the community that made it obligatory for families to send at least one child overseas. If you are interested in music, you could learn about rap which became a vessel for religious feelings. If you were interested in effective strategies of communication with conspiracists you could learn about the humorous responses to believers in a conspiracy surrounding COVID-19 and theorist of a glorious Dacian proto-history of the Romanian people. These presentations were both enjoyable and inspiring.

Fifth, you could envy the students of Mykolas Romeris University when you went down to the canteen to have your lunch for three courses of which you paid less than 10 Euro! Dishes with eggplants and chicken deserve a special recommendation.

Sixth, you could learn a lot about Lithuanian multiculturality and diversity during the excursion to the city centre. Ukraine, Poland, and Lithuania used to be one country and this fact could explain the similarities in attitudes of their people to the recent events in Europe!

The stroll around the city centre revived in the memory several scenes of the Soviet blockbuster “Gypsies Are Found Near Heaven” directed by Emil Loteanu.  The streets in Vilnius were meant to represent a provincial city of the Austro-Hungarian empire at the beginning of the 20th century. Here, the story of the Roma girl Rada who could bewitch any man and stop galloping horses with an intense look of her dark eyes began to unfold. The film was loosely based on the stories “Old Izergil” and “Makar Chudra” by Maxim Gorky and was the most acclaimed romantic drama of the Soviet time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4a6EMh3P_bE

It was wonderful to see the church of Saint Ann which Napoleon had wanted to take back with him to Paris in his palm. The Cathedral Basilica of St Stanislaus and St Ladislaus of Vilnius was amazing. It looked different from many other Catholic cathedrals. Perhaps, this difference could be explained by the fact that the cathedral had been reconstructed to its present appearance at the very end of the 18th century- early 19th century. The striking thing was the austerity of its décor which is not so common for Catholic churches. The austerity was calming and made you concentrate on your spiritual experience.

Seventh, the quest for spirituality was continued during our visit to Trakai – a de facto capital of Lithuania, also known as the Grand Duchy, in the 14th -early 15th century. Again, the striking multicultural development of Lithuania came to the fore in this town. The place was built by Karaims and Tatars and it is known for the Karaim language revival. Unfortunately, there was no time for linguistic field studies but everyone could try the local Karaim dish  Kibinai, kybyn, or kibin. It is a traditional Karaim pastry filled with meat and onion or cheese and spinach. The chicken and mushroom Kibinai was delicious! The main street that leads to the Island Castle was lined with colourful wooden houses, that are typical for Karaims. These houses usually have three windows in the front; it’s believed that the first one is for God, the second for the host, and the third one for Duke Vytautas or guests. The Island Castle was built in the middle of the lake to become an impenetrable fortress. The austerity of the castle décor helped one to remember many details of the royal ambiance in Medieval times. A boat trip around the lake also contributed to the sense of serenity and optimism you acquired at the conference.