Affiliation Agreement between the European Society for Transcultural and Interdisciplinary Dialogue (ESTIDIA) and the journal Languages
In July 2022, an affiliation agreement was concluded between the European Society for Transcultural and Interdisciplinary Dialogue (ESTIDIA) and the journal Languages. A bilateral collaboration has been initiated, which involves mutual benefits, such as promoting each other’s activities and achievements.
For ESTIDIA members, the benefits include
– free and unlimited access to the full-text of all articles published in the journal Languages
– open access publication at special discounts on the article processing charges (however, most of the funding is ensured by the authors’ institutes or research funding agencies)
– possibility to set up dedicated Special Issues related to the ESTIDIA conferences or research area, to include selected papers published in open access form, at a discounted fee or even fee waiver under certain conditions; the Special Issue can be printed in book format, e‐books can be downloaded for free and printed versions can be purchased
– possibility to publish open access books and book series at discounted rates; published books can be downloaded for free
– sponsorship of different activities at the ESTIDIA conferences depending on the scale, theme and location of the conference and the annual marketing budget of the journal
– possibility to advertise the ESTIDIA news on the website of the journal Languages and its social media channels
– possibility for ESTIDIA and its members to post job announcements free of charge on the website of Languages
Description of the journal Languages
Languages (ISSN 2226-471X) is an international, open access scholarly journal whose central concern is the promotion of understanding of the diverse aspects of the world’s languages along four dimensions:
– Languages in the Mind (e.g. psychological and neurobiological perspectives)
– Languages in Space (e.g. geopolitical, sociological, and educational perspectives)
– Languages in Time (including evolutionary, real-time processing, acquisitional and life-span developmental perspectives)
– Languages in Interaction (including perspectives from research on translation, language mixing, cross-language and cross-modal influences and cross-cultural communication)
Languages aims to present discussions and developments of multidisciplinary research and thereby generate broad and practical applications for the study of languages in the world of today. Languages welcomes contributions from scholars and researchers working within any linguistic and theoretical approach. Languages publishes articles, reviews, commentaries, and communications without restrictions on a submission’s length. The working language is English; however, research on all languages is welcome.