Plan of Action: 7th ESTIDIA Conference in Vilnius 2024
- Publications (conference proceedings, collective volume, selected papers, etc.)
- Collective volume(s) – Collective volumes are based on thematically related conference papers (e.g. deriving from contributions to a thematic workshop, contributions deriving from an ongoing research project). After consultation with workshop organizers, with session coordinators, or with publication project initiators, participants have the possibility to submit individual papers to be reviewed for inclusion in a collective volume.
- (a) Volume of proceedings – papers presented at the conference that will undergo a successful review will be published in the MRU journal Societal Studies
- (b) Volume published with a high-impact international academic publisher
Publisher Mouton de Gruyter has already expressed interest for an edited collection in the Interdisciplinary Linguistics book series
Special journal issues
Since scientific and research institutions require that researchers and teaching staff publish in journals with a high Impact Factor, ESTIDIA has been in contact and/or developed collaboration with the following high scoring journals which welcome high quality manuscript submissions from ESTIDIA events.
Languages – open access journal. Languages is an international, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed open access journal on interdisciplinary studies of languages, and is published quarterly online by MDPI.
Humanities – open access journal. Humanities is an international, scholarly, peer-reviewed, open access journal for scholarly papers of exceptionally high quality across all humanities disciplines. Humanities is published bimonthly online by MDPI.
Journalism and Media – open access journal. Journalism and Media is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on journalism and the media, published quarterly online by MDPI.
CADAAD Journal – open access journal. CADAAD Journal is the official journal of the Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines network (CADAAD). This peer-reviewed journal focuses on the critical study of discourse across disciplines.
The Israeli Journal of Humor Research. The Israeli Journal of Humor Research: An International Journal (ISJHR) is published on behalf of The Israeli Society for Humor Studies. Editor-in-chief Dr. Arie Sover (Ashkelon Academic College, Israel) welcomes articles for the journal.
International Journal of Language and Culture (IJoLC) – John Benjamins. The aim of the International Journal of Language and Culture (IJoLC) is to disseminate cutting-edge research that explores the interrelationship between language and culture. The journal is multidisciplinary in scope and seeks to provide a forum for researchers interested in the interaction between language and culture across several disciplines, including linguistics, anthropology, applied linguistics, psychology and cognitive science. IJoLC is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year.
SIGs (Special Interest Groups) – suggestions for ESTIDIA SIGs, especially interdisciplinary SIGs
A SIG is a collaboration and networking group set up after identifying common research interests, to brainstorm about developing joint research projects, to discuss appropriate / alternative theoretical approaches, to submit joint project applications, to co-author or co-edit collective volumes or special journal issues. The main goal of SIGs is to bring together researchers, teachers, and practitioners from different countries and disciplines who work in the same, related, or complementary fields, and who are interested in sharing ideas and developing closer collaborations, especially interdisciplinary and/or cross-cultural ones. SIG members can propose a thematic or methodological workshop for a future ESTIDIA conference.
You are welcome to join one of the following recently initiated SIGs or to propose new SIGs.
– EU-migration: Language, Borders and Identity in Dialogues
Coordinators: Ruth Breeze (University of Navarra, Spain) <rbreeze@unav.es> and Sarali Gintsburg (University of Navarra, Spain) <sgintsburg@unav.es>
Further members are welcome ……
– Dialogue and / in Education
Coordinator: Takanori Kawamata (Meisei University, Japan) <takanori.kawamata@meisei-u.ac.jp>
Further members are welcome ……
-Humour and Dialogue across Cultures
Coordinators: Arie Sover (The Open University of Israel) <ariesover@gmail.com>
Kateryna Yeremieieva (Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich) <eremeeevaea@gmail.com>, <Yeremieieva.Kateryna@lmu.de>
Further members are welcome ……
– Dialogues in Healthcare Environments
Coordinators: Keiko Tsuchiya (Yokohama City University) <tsuchiya.keiko@gmail.com>
Further members are welcome ……
– Translation as Intercultural Dialogue
Coordinators: Vilhelmina Vaičiūnienė (Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania) <vvaiciun@mruni.eu>Maria Lopez Medel (University of Alicante, Spain) <medel@ua.es>
Lora Tamošiūnienė (Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania) <lora@mruni.eu>
Krzysztof Łoboda (Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland) <krzysztof.loboda@uj.edu.pl>
Further members are welcome ……
– Conspiracy Theories and Manipulation Practices
Coordinator: Ludmilla A’Beckett (University of the Free State, South Africa) <berchonok@gmail.com>
Cornelia Ilie (Strömstad Academy, Sweden) <cornelia.ilie@gmail.com>
Further members are welcome ……
– Political and Public Discourse in Times of Crisis
Coordinators: Adrian Toader (Transilvania University of Braşov, Romania) <toader.adrian@unitbv.ro>
Further members are welcome ……
– Twists and Turns: The Development of Second Language English Language Learner Identity through the Middle/High School Years, into Tertiary Education
Coordinator: John McKeown (Uskudar American Academy, Istanbul, Turkey) <jmckeown@my.uaa.k12.tr>
Further members are welcome ……
– Using Mixed Method Approaches (Pragma-Rhetoric, Discourse Analysis, Systemic Functional Linguistics) to Explore Dialogue-Based Media and Political Interaction (e.g. parliamentary debates, news interviews, election campaign debates)
Coordinator: Taofeek Dalamu (the University of Lagos, Nigeria) <lifegaters@yahoo.com>
Further members are welcome ……
3. ESTIDIA Newsletter – The aim is to provide information and updates (about related or complementary associations, new relevant publications, CfPs for forthcoming publications, CfPs for future conferences, relevant projects, research networks, summer schools, collaboration initiatives, PhD job opportunities, etc.) for ESTIDIA members and non-members
We welcome Proposals for a Team of Editors ……
4. ESTIDIA Blog – The aim is to foster a collegial and academic dialogue among ESTIDIA members
We welcome Proposals for Coordinators, Participants, .….
- Joint Teaching and Mentoring Initiatives
We welcome Proposals, Coordinators, Participants, .….
6. ESTIDIA website – The aim is to regularly update the website, to provide information and news
We welcome Proposals and Contributions (News, Calls for Papers, New Relevant Publications, .….
7. ESTIDIA Publicity – The aim is to enhance the visibility of ESTIDIA
We welcome Proposals, Coordinators, Participants, .….
8. Venues of forthcoming ESTIDIA events
(conferences, doctoral schools / workshops, etc.)
2026 ESTIDIA Conference – French University of Egypt (Université Française d’Égypte – UFE), Cairo, Egypt
2028 ESTIDIA Conference – Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland
You are most welcome to suggest further proposals for various types of activities and collaborations, such as
– Interdisciplinary / Intercultural (post)graduate courses
– International summer / winter schools
– PhD-organised workshops / conferences
– Calls for project partners when preparing funding applications
– Mentoring initiatives
We look forward to your feedback,
ESTIDIA Community Organizers