Daniela  ROVENŢA-FRUMUŞANI, Professor emerita ; PhD with habilitation

Affiliation: University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
Email address: danifrumusani@yahoo.com; daniela.frumusani@fjsc.ro 

Bio: She is  professora  emerita  at the University of Bucharest (Department of Cultural Anthropology and Communication, College of Journalism and Communication Sciences). She is member of the Doctoral School of Communication Sciences and of ISDS – Interdisciplinary School of Doctoral Studies, University of Bucharest  and has directed 15 Ph.D. theses in communication  (focused on  gender studies, discourse analysis, organizational communication). 

Specialist in semiotics, gender studies and discourse analysis, she authored 5 books, edited and coedited 15 books and over 100 studies and articles in the above mentioned fields, published in Quaderni, Communication, ESSACHESS, Réseaux, Degrés, Kodikas-Code, Poetics, Revue Roumaine de sciences sociales, Revue roumaine de linguistique, Canadian Journal for Communication,  Media Development,  Kodikas-Code. She is member of the ISA (International Sociological Association-RC14 Research Committee of Sociology of Communication board ,since 2010, of the SFSIC (French Society of the Information and Communication Sciences), IPrA (International Pragmatic Association),of ESTIDIA,  of the team of AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie) experts of Central and Eastern Europe and of the scientific committees of Recherches féministes, Communication, Essachess, Styles of Communication, Interstudia, The International Journal of Cross-Cultural Studies and Environmental Communication.

She worked in 12 media and gender project teams (director and member of the project team),  organized over 30  summer schools, international  conferences on gender, discourse, media, and  evaluated over 100 projects  within AUF (Agence Universitauire de la Francophonie)

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